Upcoming Shows
Kareem Matthews
B.E.T's "Comic View," Comedy Central’s “Premium Blend,” and "Comics Unleashed.
December 21 - December 22
Buy Tickets Mark "KidWok" Britten
7 Voices on DragonBall Z, Last Comic Standing, Bob & Tom, VH1 Celebrity Poker & More!
December 26 - December 29
Buy Tickets Daryl Felsberg
"Truth or Daryl" which climbed to the #3 spot on the iTunes Charts & "Dad Jokes" on Amazon.
January 02 - January 05
Buy Tickets Raymond Orta
Special Event starring Raymond Orta & Friends. "Puro Pinche Laughter" "Cowboys Fans Be Like..."
January 17 - January 18
Buy Tickets Michael Blackson
“The African King of Comedy" "Modasucka, Welcome to America" "Next Friday" "Chappelle Show" & MORE!